If you have a fine wine collection, you will want to ensure it doesn’t go bad. One thing that can quickly spoil wine is if you store it at the wrong temperature. If you invested heavily in your wine collection, it could lose its value with poor temperature control. Read on to learn more about the importance of temperature control and tips on reducing wine spoilage.

Why Do Wines Need A Certain Temperature?

Even a small amount of heat can affect your wine. When you keep your wine at the right temperatures, your wine will remain mostly stable. If you keep the wine at the wrong temperature range, then the chemical processes could go awry. If you store it at too cold or too high a temperature, you may end up with flavor change.

In some cases, you may want to keep your wine at a higher temperature so it can age. However, most of the wine people buy doesn’t need that process. They are best when consumed soon after purchase. Even if you want your wine to age, you must still keep it at an ideal temperature range. Different wine varieties need different storage temperatures, whether you want them to age not.

What Happens If Wine Gets Too Warm Or Too Cold?

When you store wine in too-warm temperatures for too long, the wine may get cooked. Cooked wine becomes flat and loses most of its subtle notes. Wine kept at warmer temperatures will also age faster. In some cases, faster aging may mean you can enjoy it at its peak sooner. However, if you want to store your wine for many years, your wine collection may become spoiled and undrinkable if kept too warm.

Likewise, cooler temperatures are also not a good idea. Like too warm temperatures, too cool temperatures can affect the flavor. Wine kept too cold will not age properly. If you have champagne or sparkling wine, the wrong storage temperature can affect the carbonation.

What Are Things One Should Do And Not Do?

The one time you shouldn’t be too concerned about temperature is if you plan to consume the wine soon after purchase. If that is the case, you can store it in your refrigerator for a short time. You can also leave your wine on the counter or table for a short time before you serve it.

However, whether you plan to use it right away or not, you should never let your wine get hot. For example, if you buy wine, take it directly home. Do not store wine in your car while you run other errands. Likewise, if you dine outdoors, keep your bottle out of the sun. The glass bottle can amplify the sun’s light and warm up the bottle. If your region is in a heatwave, make sure your wine is at least in the refrigerator.

What Are Signs Your Wine Has Spoiled?

If you made a mistake with temperature controls, check to make sure your wine is alright before you take a drink. Signs your wine may be spoiled include:

  • The wine is discolored usually to a darker color 
  • The cork has bulged or pushed out of the bottle
  • The wine has a fizzy texture, or you see bubbles when there shouldn’t be any
  • The taste is off, such as too sweet or too sour
  • The wine has no aroma or an odd aroma like burned rubber

If you don’t have room for adequate storage, keeping your wine at the right temperature can be hard. Fortunately, Los Angeles Fine Arts & Wine Storage can store your fine wine collection for you. We have the facilities to keep your wine at the right temperatures. Plus, our facility offers locked storage with 24/7 security, so your collection is safe. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you protect your investment.